Maximum of 10. Some owners may want to purchase 20% or more.
The 28 days are spread over various time periods.. There is a booking service which each owner can reserve days/weeks ahead if they wish. 28 days is not permitted to take in one go
No chartering is permitted however, the owner may wish to have his friend use the yacht and what ever arrangement he has with him is personal. Yacht Fractionals will not rent out or charter the yacht at any time
Sunseeker Thailand will offer the full professional management service and our boats will be insured with Lambert Bros.
After 3 years Yacht Fractionals will sell the yacht and proceeds will be distributed to each owner in accordance with their fractional ownership percentage. Should the owner wish to sell their fractional during the 3 years then Yacht Fractionals reserve the first rights to try to find a buyer.
The management fee has been calculated to cover most foreseen costs, including insurance, routine maintenance, mooring, cleaning & crew and other associated costs. The Yacht will have manufacturer’s warranties in place, with the engines under warranty for an extended warranty covering a three year period so any manufacturers defects will be covered. There may be additional unforeseen costs, should the yacht have a defect which is not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
Fuel cost and personal requirements while using the yacht will be the responsibility of the fractional owner.
NO, this is not permitted. Refer to (3) above
The Yacht will be owned by a ‘Special Purpose Vehicle’ (SPV) who’s only asset is the yacht. A share certificate of 10% of the SPV will be issued to each fractional owner.
Yes, the boat will have a fully qualified Thai Captain and crew on board.
Yes the yacht will be permanently moored in the prestigious Royal Phuket Marina, Phuket, Thailand.
Yes the yacht can be positioned in other reasonable locations accessible to The Royal Phuket Marina. However the full cost of such is borne by the owner himself and forms part of the fractional days usage. The Yacht must be returned to Royal Phuket Marina after such use.
Should a fractional owner wish to leave Thai waters to visit Malaysia or Singapore, all costs in relation to the check-out and check-in process will be met by the owner.
The Manhattan 73 is limited to 8 guests for an over night trip, for sleeping arrangements. For a day cruise, the number of guests (Excluding crew members) should not exceed 12 . Should an owner wish to exceed this number of guests, he must seek prior consent from the management company to do so.
Yes, providing notice is given as to your arrival date and personal requirement s then Sunseeker Thailand will make their best endeavours to have the yacht ready for your use.
Royal Phuket Marina is a tidal marina as such there are tide table stating the time the yacht can depart and return safely. Should you require the use of the yacht outside of these hours then we can arrange for the yacht to be positioned at an adjoining marina. The cost of this will be borne by the fractional owner.
The SPV owning the yacht is offshore and in a tax free jurisdiction. There will be no income into the company which should give rise to any personal tax liability. However the fractional owner should seek independent financial advice if necessary.
Yes providing you provide reasonable notice then it may be possible to reschedule your usage for another date. This will be subject to availability.
Each owner can set up an account with the management company. Costs of fuel and personal requirements can then be invoiced to you after your usage. You will not be required to make payments throughout your usage. Terms and conditions apply to an account arrangement.
The apartment will be available during your fractional usage. You will not be expected to pay for cost of services such as electricity and other municipal costs. Any costs of breakages or damage will be the responsibility of the fractional owner and will be invoiced by the management company.
Damage which is not covered under the yacht insurance will be the responsibility of the fractional owner and will be invoiced by the management company.
Any excess payments resulting from an insurance claim due to damage to the boat, will be met by the fractional owner (or his/her guests) using the boat when the incident took place.